www.dragana.com are leather handbags. If you’re shopping for a small handbag, we have gorgeous clutches. If you’re shopping for something big, select one of our totes. If you’re thinking about purchasing something in between, we have satchels.
One of the fashion accessories I’ve designed at my store,Why leather handbags? Leather bags are durable. If you’re looking for exceptional quality, leather offers that. If you’re looking for a bag that will be with you for years, leather offers that too. It also ages well. A high-quality leather bag will still look good 20 years after your purchase date.
- Clutches: A clutch may be small but it’s really important. After all, where are you going to put your tampons? If you’re wearing an elegant evening dress, you can’t lug around a backpack. But a clutch discretely fits into your hand without adding “bulk” to your look. Any sophisticated designer knows that clutches are also a great way to add a pop of color to evening wear. If you’re at a black-tie event, a pop of red from my store is just the thing. You can also go with simple and elegant. Dragana Designs offers a clutch like that, too.
- Satchels: Satchels are the perfect handbag because they’re feminine and strong. They’re a good size for your belongings, they can match your outfit and they fit comfortably in your hand or on your shoulder. What’s not to love?
- Totes: Bags can get bulky and completely ruin your look. But a well-designed tote can complement your style. Take a peek at my Luna Tote Grey tote to see what I mean: clean lines, minimalist design, luxurious look and a knotted braided leather for a finishing touch. It’s perfect for carrying your laptop, phone, keys and a book. It also goes well with any outfit you plan to wear.
So why do I design handbags? A lot of dresses and skirts just don’t come with pockets, and pants have the tiniest pockets that don’t hold very much. This means handbags are a basic necessity for women. We need them for the beach, for work, for shopping, for a night out or even for a quick trip to the grocery store. We use handbags every single day. So if we can find a way to personalize it, isn’t that a great thing?
Handbags are a great accessory to design, too, because they won’t fade out of fashion from season to season. You really can keep your satchel for years. They can match many of your outfits and can hold a lot of your belongings. Handbags are fashionable necessities. That’s why I’m passionate about them.
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